Monday, December 13, 2010


My Japanese class was finally finished!

Not really finish though, it's me that stopped the Japanese class, because I need to search for a college soon~

These are my text books for the Japanese class. The あぱかば is read as apakaba, means Apa Khabar~

Say is search for a college la, but actually want to lazy a bit XD

But today I went to Taylor's College at Subang Jaya~

I asked for the scholarship provided, and it seemed that my result can only get RM1,000, and that's too little for the huge fee T^T

I need to survey how is UCSI first, because I heard UCSI is not bad too, plus it is nearer to my house (probably my choice).

The Facon Education Fair 2010, is going to hold at PWTC, 18th and 19th

This education fair is going to help me a little bit~

I heard that there is Japan Education as well, think that I will be asking them, then maybe I will study at Japan!!! Hahahahaha!!

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